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Galveston Island Tree Giveaway

Galveston Island Tree Conservancy Spring Giveaway

Galveston Island Tree Conservancy is giving away free trees to islanders on April 2
The Spring 2022 Tree List includes:

American Beautyberry, Cedar or American Elm, Persimmon, Pecan, American Sycamore, Pond Baldcypress, Burr Oak, Live Oak, Overcup Oak, Loblolly Pine, Red Mulberry, Sugarberry, Sweetgum, Red Maple and Wax Myrtle

Where: GHF’s 1904 G, H & H Depot at 3304 Market Street (formerly known as the Gately Paper Co.).

  • 300 shade trees for Galveston Island residents’ private property.
  • Bring a TDL or water bill to pick up at least two trees.
  • Visit our Facebook page for more event information.
  • 9 am till Noon or when they’re all gone. They are gone within two hours in the past!

Visit the website for more information

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