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Galveston Zip Code Maps, Demographics, and Statistics

There are just a few zip codes that make up all of the city of Galveston and surrounding areas of Galveston Island. They are:

77550, 77551, 77552, 77553, 77554, 77555 of Texas Medical Branch.

Galveston Zip Code 77550

Galveston Zip Code 77550
Galveston Zip Code 77550

On the map
From Harborside to Seawall, East of 45th Street is 77550. A couple of exceptions are along Harborside beginning at 29th.

77550 ZIP Code Demographics and Statistics
The Galveston zip code covers slightly less than the typical land area compared to other ZIP codes, and has slightly higher than average population density when compared to other codes.

Residents living in 77550 average in age from late 20s to early 40s, with the majority made up of single adults and extremely small number of families. The percentage of children under the age of 18 in this zone is slightly less than average compared to other areas throughout the US.

  • Total Population: 23,043     
  • Density of Population: 3,069 people per square mile
  • Housing Units: 14,615     
  • Median Home Value: $117,200     
  • Total Land Area of Zip Code: 7.51 square miles
  • Median Household Income: $32,447

Galveston Zip Code 77551

Galveston Zip Code 77551
Galveston Zip Code 77551

On the map
From Harborside to Seawall, From 45th west to 91st street, the zip code is 77551.

77551 ZIP Code Demographics and Statistics
This Galveston zip code has identical stats with regard to averages as 77550. Less than the typical land area and slightly higher population density. The same goes for population of families and single adults. Children under 18 is less than average. Interesting that median income is significantly higher in this zone.

  • Total Population: 17,753
  • Density of Population: 4,655 people per square mile
  • Housing Units: 10,330
  • Median Home Value: $125,900
  • Total Land Area of Zip Code: 3.81 square miles
  • Median Household Income: $42,575

Galveston Zip Codes 77552, 77553

These codes are reserved for Galveston Post Office boxes. 


Galveston Zip Code 77554

Galveston Zip Code 77554
Galveston Zip Code 77554

On the map
Harborside North, including all of Pelican Island, and all areas west of 91st – the zip code is 77554

77554 ZIP Code Demographics and Statistics
The 77554 Galveston zip code includes “west end” Galveston, Pelican Island, Tiki Island, and Jamaica Beach. It covers slightly less than the typical land area compared to other ZIP codes, and unlike previous codes, it has has slightly lower than average population density.

The population of middle aged adults is and young adults is higher than average. The percentage of children under age 18 that live in the 77554 zip code is extremely small compared to other parts of the country.

Total Population: 8,863    
Density of Population: 250 people per square mile
Housing Units: 9,546    
Median Home Value: $247,800    
Total Land Area of Zip Code: 35.40 square miles
Median Household Income: $64,583    

Galveston Zip Code 77555

The 77555 Galveston zip code is reserved entirely for University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB).

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